【公司简介】 无锡市耀得信化工产品有限公司主要从事化学品生产和销售,是一家通过ISO9001和认证的专业公司。产品应用范围主要包含油漆涂料防污剂树脂、石催化剂、 混凝土外加剂、杀菌剂等,产品出口世界30多个国家。 在长期的业务发展过程中,我司同国内外供应商和客户建立起了良好的合作伙伴关系,在国内外化工领域中树立了诚信的知名度和可靠良好的信誉。 无锡耀得信化工始终秉承以“诚信为本,品质至上”的企业宗旨,与国内外客户开展全方位、多层次的合作,通过不断创新,实现事业的共同腾飞。 【公司文化】 公司宗旨:专业,诚信,可靠; 口号: 没有,只有更好! 公司目标:在追求企业生存和发展的同时, 谋求员工的福利,提升员工的价值,并承担社会责任。 【about Us】 As a ISO 9001 and certified company ,WUXI HonOR SHINE CHEMICAL is a rising professional chemical company. Our products are mostly used in antifouling marine paint, biocides ,cement or concrete additives, Petro additives and so on. We have set up the R&D and manufacturing bases. based on high quality ,competitive prices and honest timely value-added services, we hope to create a reliable,mutually beneficial and trust worthy business relationships with all customers. 【COMPANY CULTURE】 Mission: integrity, quality and honor; Slogan: There is no best, only better! Company goals: In pursuit of business development, to seek the welfare of employees, stress the value and growth of employees, and undertake social responsibility.